Saturday, July 11, 2009

Scholarship for Study Abroad Details.

If you are looking for a cheap study abroad program, you've started the process well by thinking about going to Argentina. It's presently one of the least expensive destinations for studying abroad.

Next, look around for grants for study abroad or scholarships for study abroad from your home institution and foundations in your home country. They do exist.

Third, why not apply for a scholarship for study abroad from GIC Argentina? We have an increased number of international study scholarships offered each year. The application process for a scholarship for study abroad is really straightforward, and the percentage of applicants that receive an undergraduate study abroad scholarship is typically greater than 50% for any particular semester.

If you are interested in a Spanish program scholarship, please visit our Spanish program scholarship page.

If you are interested in an overseas study scholarship for a summer program, see our page on how to obtain a summer study abroad scholarship.

If you are interested in a Semester study abroad scholarship, visit our page on how to apply for a Semester study abroad scholarship.

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